Thursday, May 12, 2016

What is Hypothyroidism and How Do You Treat It?

Hypothyroidism is also called underactive thyroid. It is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. I wanted to do a post on this condition because it is affecting thousands of women and they don't even realize it. I am one of those women who suffered without knowing. Here is what you should know.  

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My Hypothyroidism Story

I have struggled with the following health concerns for over 5 years:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
  • Coarse, dry hair
  • Hair loss
  • Cold intolerance (you can't tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Memory Loss

I saw doctor after doctor and a few specialists. It wasn't until I saw a Reproductive Endocrinologist and underwent a series of lab work that I found out my symptoms had a name! 

What the Experts Say on Hypothyroidism

The American Thyroid Association states:  When thyroid hormone levels are too low, the body’s cells can’t get enough thyroid hormone and the body’s processes start slowing down. As the body slows, you may notice that you feel colder, you tire more easily, your skin is getting drier, you’re becoming forgetful and depressed, and you’ve started getting constipated. Because the symptoms are so variable and non-specific, the only way to know for sure whether you have hypothyroidism is with a simple blood test for TSH.  

Hypothyroidism can be completely controlled. It is treated by replacing the amount of hormone that your own thyroid can no longer make, to bring your T4 and TSH back to normal levels. So even if your thyroid gland can’t work right, T4 replacement can restore your body’s thyroid hormone levels and your body’s function.

Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Hypothyroidism

Focusing on a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, and more to help you feel your best with hypothyroidism. It's very important to control stress and maintain a diet with proper nutrients to help control this condition. Eating veggies is great but stay away from turnips and cabbage because they tend to block thyroid hormone production. 

One of the best ways to feel better with this condition is avoid eating highly processed foods. Eating healthy and "clean" will give you more energy and the best outcome. 

If you think you have a thyroid condition don't hesitate to see an Endocrinologist to pursue proper testing to determine the best path to your success.  

If you would like to get some help moving forward with some simple and effective lifestyle changes Start Here! 

For tips, recipes and more healthy living information Click Here! 

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